Lancashire based Interior designers bringing space to life

Paint, Paper & Pallets

You may remember our blog post “Painting History” which profiled our work with Crown Paints and Preston’s College students, well we are proud to announce that our work with them both is now complete.  We thought you might like to see the completed creations, so here they are:

The Level 3 Art and Design Students from Preston’s College have done a fantastic job in depicting the history of Crown Paints in four 3D installations at Crown’s Learning and Development Centre. Bev has been guiding the students through the creatively-led project, offering practical advice and keeping them on track regarding deadlines. The students have produced all of the ideas and Bev’s role was to ensure the designs would be workable in the spaces allocated by the client.

Understanding Crown’s History

As we explained in our blog “Painting History” the aim of the project was to represent the rich history of Crown Paints in visual installations which would ‘tell the story’ as well as showcasing their various historic photographs and artefacts.

Paint, Paper and Pallets

Full of enthusiasm and with some outline sketch ideas, the students set out to produce their installations.

Finish and Feedback

The final pieces look great and all very different! Each group depicting a different part of Crown’s history; sustainability, the war years, VIP visits and Crown’s creative design process. The students dedication, creativity and hard work has been praised by Mark Bannister, Director of Learning and Development. During the final feedback session, which took place last week, Bev recorded this fanstastic student and client feedback.
[youtube].  We recieved this superb testimonial too from Christine Stanford – Programme Team Leader for Creative and Digital Arts at Preston’s College:

Working with Bev gave them an insight into how to develop their design ideas and work within the constraints of a client brief, she gave them professional advice and inspired them, giving them the confidence to explore and discuss and realise their design ideas. The students have gained so much from taking part in this project, working as part of a team, having to compromise with decision making, but most of all they were very privileged to be able work with Mark Bannister and Bev Wood.” Project testimonial from Preston’s College.
