Lancashire based Interior designers bringing space to life

Making the Most of Every Moment

Making a positive difference to how spaces are used is one of the driving forces here at bwd.  We also like to share our knowledge and expertise around.  Bev, our Creative Director, regularly lectures at UCLan (University of Central Lancashire) and we often take on student placements.  Helping graduates is not the only thing we enjoy doing.  We have recently been helping the lovely people at Derian House Children’s Hospice, in Chorley, to refresh their reception area as well as their Parent Lounge.   As a Derian House supporter we have been undertaking a voluntary project for them and we’ve loved doing it. 

“Situated in the heart of Lancashire, Derian House is renowned throughout the region as being at the forefront of children’s palliative and respite care.  Families who have a child with a life shortening condition can choose from a range of care and support services to meet their individual needs which include; short planned breaks in Derian House, Hospice at Home, Sibling support group, end of life care and support at home, or in Derian House, and Bereavement support after the death of child.”

The staff at Derian, as well as parents play a crucial role in caring for the kids (and young adults) at Derian so when we started looking at the two spaces we turned to them for the briefing input.

We are a long way down the design process and most of the ‘bought in’ items like new furniture and lighting are now installed.  We have learnt a lot on this interior design project.  For example, we were really excited to develop a carpet featuring a pencil design.  We based our idea on a rug the staff liked from our initial ideas boards.

bed interior design at Derian House
The initial designs for the parents lounge

The carpet design, which we developed with Milliken Carpets (thanks Sajay, you have been very patient) was designed to be fun, inspiring and colourful for the children. Sadly, after presenting samples of the actual carpet tiles, the staff felt the carpet texture was a little too ‘rough’ for the kids to roll around on, so we are now investigating other softer options.  It just goes to show how dialog with the ‘end user’ and also creating samples (where feasible) of the ‘actual’ products is always worth it, even if it means we have to go ‘back to the drawing board’.

Talking about the drawing board, we at bwd still do sketching to communicate our ideas.  This loose drawing, by Bev, was sketched in the client meeting to show ideas for the window blinds.  We are now looking for fun and quirky cord pulls; spiders or similar to add a fun detail to the blind.  Anyone have anything like this, please let us know?

bed - Lancashire Designers
Clients compliment us on our sketches as it’s a great way to quickly communicate our design thoughts.

It has been a pleasure to put aside some of our time for this most worthwhile project. Seeing first hand all the hard work and commitment that goes into running such a superb charity has been a big inspiration. Please show your support for Derian House and help in any way you can. Volunteer your time/expertise or donate to this great charity. Use the section below to explore ways of helping. We look forward to your comments.