Lancashire based Interior designers bringing space to life

Our Ria Shortlisted

Fantastic news from bwd this week as we find our Ria has been shortlisted for a top UK award. We cannot wait to attend the ceremony in two weeks hosted at the Institute of Directors – London.

my family tree bwd lancashire designersRia has excelled in the short time she has been with us at bwd with her creativity now being recognised on a national scale. Shortlisted for the Creative Conscience Awards for her “My Family Tree” project is a superb way for any young designer to begin their career.

So what is the award all about? See below for an excerpt from their website

Creative Conscience Award shortlist ria parkinson bwdThe Creative Conscience Awards: UK calls upon creative students whose conscience has encouraged them to build a passion for ethical, moral and worthwhile cause.This is a competition that provides fantastic opportunities for individuals to utilize their creative talents to make a positive change for a cause they are passionate about.

It is no surprise Ria has been nominated as she has designed a most excellent product for children within care. Firstly noticing the need for such a product then designing and developing its features. This really has showcased her talent and high moral standing.

My Family Tree aims to provide a more consistent backdrop for a child within care. The family tree is portable and lightweight and therefore can be moved and re-assembled repeatedly so that the child can take it to various homes. Through research I have found that foster children don’t have many belongings but often have photos or birthday cards etc. The family tree provides a place for them to display and cherish these memories and to build the tree up as they grow.

My Family Tree by Ria Parkinson of bwd
A snapshot of the project entered and now shortlisted at the Creative Conscience Awards

Do you like Ria’s project? Do you know someone who may want one? Let us know your thoughts below and also wish us luck. Come back soon to see how it goes.

my family tree by ria parkinson